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Words of Wisdom for Christian Dating

Writer's picture: Lilly LebronLilly Lebron


Are you someone who wants to date or who is currently dating, but wonder what is the right way to approach dating as a Christian?

Are you feeling someone who isn’t a believer and find yourself trying to build with them?

And what about sex? Where does that come into play if at all?


Well, I’ve got a word that I feel lead to share with you concerning these things and we’re gonna talk about it.


Now before we dive in, let’s hit the word of God with a few scriptures that I will be building this message on.

“You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.” 1 Cor 10:23 NLT

“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?”

II Corinthians 6:14 NKJV

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.”

Ephesians 5:3 NIV


Alright, man, I couldn’t go back to sleep this morning because the spirit of the lord just straight arrested me with this word.

I’m like , “really God? You want me to talk about this?” Lol


I want to tell ya’ll a story.

So I have this friend who I’ve known for a few years now, and he’s getting ready to move back to the area where he’s originally from which so happens to be near me.

Lately, he’s been really excited saying, “Oh man Lilly! We gotta kick it. Imma take you out for lunch...” etc

He likes me, but as for me, I only see him as a friend. Nothing more, although, if I wasn’t believer with convictions about being with a man of God , I would probably date him because we do have great chemistry.

So, he’s been talking about us hanging out and Initially I was all for it, but then I felt the spirit of God say,

“Don’t go Lilly. Don’t go.”

Now why would God tell me not to go?

I mean, is it a sin to hang out with this friend?

No, not exactly.

The word of God tells us that yeah sure all things are permissible,

BUT, while it is permissible to see this friend, would it be beneficial?

Probably not.

First, let me ask you a question?

If you had an alcoholic friend who just got out of rehab, would you take them to a bar?

No, right?

Well, why not?

Because, it wouldn’t be beneficial...why...because they are surrounded by all kinds of temptation that would cause them to fall back into their old ways.

So why wouldn’t it be beneficial for me as a woman of God to spend time with this man alone ESPECIALLY since he doesn’t know Christ?

Because, I’d be putting myself in a situation where I could potentially fall into sin.

I am willing to real enough with myself and with God where I know myself well enough to know that number 1. I don’t trust ME or my flesh and 2. I definitely don’t trust That guy.

I’m sorry, but he has no convictions at all, so if I gave him the green light, dude would be all on me like white on rice.

And the same would be true for you.

It’s a lot easier to say no to putting yourself in a tempting situation than it is to say no once you’re already in it.

So by now you probably have figured out that if you’re a Christian, you shouldn’t be having sex if you’re not married.

This isn’t negotiable debatable topic with God.

He is more than clear in his word verse after verse after verse, and implore you study his word for yourself and give him your heart to help you develop your convictions in this area.

If you have fallen, amen. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again... order to be successful and have a pure dating relationship that honors God you need to have healthy boundaries and that comes with Knowing yourself well enough to say no to tempting environments.

Some examples could be:

1. No late night conversations on the phone

2. No being alone...EVER Go on double dates.

3. If you’re gonna go some where alone, go in public in like Broad you..don’t ride together.

These are just a few...boundaries in dating.

If you are into someone who doesn’t like boundaries and doesn’t want to respect your boundaries, cut them lose. That’s a red flag and they need to go.

Your soul and your salvation and your right standing with God is not up for debate with no one. Nobody is worth you going to hell for.

Lastly, should you be dating a non believer?

Again, is it permissible? it beneficial, absolutely not.

Tell why...

Bad company corrupts good character

1. Non believer (no fruit)

2. True believer (fruit)

Alright guys, so that is it. I pray this encourages you to go to God on this topic and allow him to lead you into repentance and into pure dating relationships that are beautiful and glorifying to him.

Be sure to share, like, comment if you dig this.

All my love, peace!


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