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Behind the Blogger

What I Believe

I believe in and know that EL, I AM, is the one true God.  He is the Creator of all things and holds the air we breathe in His hand!  I believe and know that He has always existed and always will.  He did not just appear somewhere in eternity; eternity exists in Him.

 I believe and know that this living God ‘spoke’ and the Word, who was with Him, created mankind in the Garden of Eden, which in the beginning was perfect and without sin. Then he (satan) who birthed iniquity, tempted Adam & Eve and by their choice to believe the enemy and through disobedience, lost their relationship with God and gave away their dominion.

 I believe and know that God made a way back to Himself through the offering of His only Son,  Jesus, (who was the Word made flesh) born through immaculate conception and then crucified on the cross at Calvary to pay the price to free us from sin.  By acceptance of this blood sacrifice, man is counted as righteous, his dominion restored and is given eternal life.

I believe and know that we, as Believers, are made in their image and after their likeness and have been given dominion and authority over the whole earth.  Also, that we have power over ALL the power of the enemy (satan).

I believe and know that the Holy Bible is the Word of God, inspired and ordered by Him.  It brings life, edification, correction and knowledge of the One who made us and His house called Heaven.  It is an instruction book on how to stay free from sin, create a habitation for Heaven in our homes and live a victorious life so that our souls may prosper and bring Glory to God.

About Me


I am 8 years old as a disciple of Jesus and a mother to wild toddler Elan. We live in good old Wisconsin not too far from the windy city. Yes, we do love the Packers and cheese! 

Although my formal educational background is in the field of Criminal Justice, since graduating I have grown to love the world of entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and finance. Fun facts: I trade the Foreign Exchange Market, I teach ESL to children from China online, and I am quite the passionate linguist. Yes way! 

Recently, I have grown more passionate about my relationship with the Lord and felt compelled to do more by using the gifts and skills he has given me. 

After all, we all have to make an account before him for the life that we live and I want to hear those words, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

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