PurposeTo better understand the love of God and the cost of purchasing our forgiveness as seen in the death of Jesus. This study uses the Gospel of Mark and Isaiah 53 and may be more compelling when done in connection with watching scenes from a movie like "The Passion of the Christ.
Emotions can easily come to the surface when reading this account and emotions are an important part of dealing with the pain of our sin. Tears are often shed when discussing the pain of the crucifixion, but tears are not the end goal. God wants the sacrifice of his son to produce life change in us.
What does that life change look like for you?
ROMANS 3:22-26,ROMANS 5:6-8
The cross is a demonstration of God's justice in the face of sin. God would not be righteous if he simply looked the other way in the face of sin and evil. At the same time, the cross is the greatest demonstration of God's love. Because God loves us, Jesus Christ died for our sins.
MARK 10:42-45
Jesus understood God's plan for him to give himself as a ransom for us to die for our sins. He could do this only because of his sinless life.
MARK 14:26-15:41
One account of the crucifixion. As you read and discuss each section, ask the question: "Why did God allow this to happen to Jesus?" Because He loves us! (To better describe the physical torments of the crucifixion, you may also wish to read "The Passion of the Christ from a Medical Point of View" by C. Truman Davis, M.D.)
Matthew 27:57-28:20
Jesus has overcome death NEVER to die again.
He is the first and only human to rise from the dead by his own power after three days in the tomb.
Written about 700 years before Jesus, this chapter predicted what the Messiah would do at the cross and why. (Note: In Luke 22:37, Jesus quotes from Isaiah 53 and says it was about him.) Read entire chapter. Points of emphasis:
Verses 1-3 : despised and rejected
Verses 4-6 : pierced for our transgressions; crushed for our iniquities; by his wounds we are healed. Suggestion: read this passage again putting in your own name.
Verses 7-9 : like a lamb to the slaughter; for the transgressions of my people he was stricken. You may want to remind the person of the sins he/she described in earlier study.
Verses 10-12 : he is a guilt offering; but after the suffering of his soul, satisfaction (resurrection)
1 PETER 2:21-25
Why did Jesus die on the cross for us? So that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. This is our whole-hearted response to the cross.
1 Corinthians 15:1-19
Resurrection is the centerpiece of our faith, without it our faith is meaningless.
Sin brings about death (Romans 6:23) but through the resurrection Jesus has overcome death and rendered sin powerless.
The Cross and Resurrection work together to deliver us from sin and death.
How does the Cross and Resurrection fit into God’s plan?
What does an appropriate response look like for you?
Psalm 22
Acts 2:22-38
Colossians 2:13-14
Ephesians 2:1-10
John 1:29