Purpose: To show the seeker what the Bible says about itself so that they will be eager to read it in order to discover God’s will and apply it his/her life so they can change to become like Jesus!
Why the Bible? What makes the words in the Bible different from other religious texts? Is there evidence we can trust?
No religion claims someone died for you, and that someone is the son of God.
In fact, Jesus was the only man to live, claim he was the son of God, perform miracles, die, and rise from the dead.
Christianity is the only faith where someone died and was resurrected. -There is a circumstantial amount of historical evidence that supports this. -Well over 500 witnesses accounted for. -The Romans and the Jews searched high and low for the body and never found it. 3. All other religions is based on one man and something he saw and believed, but the Bible is written not just by one man and it’s not just one book, but it is a collection of 66 books written by 40 different authors over a 2000 year period written on 3 different continents. All of these authors wrote about the same thing: Jesus Christ. There are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament foretelling of Jesus. Everything was fulfilled.
No other text foretells the future like the Bible does.
All other religions talk about what YOU have to do to EARN your salvation, BUT the Bible tells us our salvation is a free gift given to us by God. It is not something we earn by what we do.
No other religion or text has been scrutinized like the Bible has. No other religion has been thoroughly researched, but the Bible has been scrutinized by thousands of scholars. They have dissected every letter and every word and according to them there was not one discrepancy that could not be cleared up. The dates, history, archeology, Kings that lived and ruled, and the places described were all researched and found to be true.
the Bible is unique in comparison to all other religious beliefs and texts.
Ultimately, it is a message of Love. God’s Love for mankind.
2 Timothy 3:16–17
All Scripture comes from and is approved by God.
It is relevant and useful for righteous living.
It is to be applied to our lives.
Hebrews 4:12–13
The Word is relevant to our lives.
The Word cuts (hurts); it is precise and reveals the depths of our hearts.
See also James 1:22-25
The purpose of the word is convict us of our sin (show us how we are wrong) and cut out the bad (correct us) so we can be healed (be transformed).
Matthew 15:1–9
Traditions that supersede the Word of God are worship in vain.
1 Timothy 4:16
Watch your life and doctrine closely; they are inseparable.
Which is more important, life or doctrine?
Neither. It is much like the wings of an airplane. You need both to fly.
Why is it so important to learn, teach, and live correct doctrine?
To save yourself and those who hear you.
We learn both correct doctrine and how to live it out in the Bible.
How we live and what we teach are both essential to our salvation. When we say we believe in something, yet live a life opposite of what we claim to believe, we contradict ourselves and very often fall into the category of a hypocrite.
Matthew 15:1-9
What is another hindrance to following God’s word?
Religious tradition which in many denominations tends to take precedence over the word of God.
This can result in worldly (Ungodly) solutions to spiritual issues and make our worship of God empty and pointless.
What kind man made and unbiblical traditions have you been taught?
-A common tradition that is unbiblical is the baptism of babies. (More on this in a later study)
Acts 17:10-12
We are responsible for our faith. Religious leaders can be wrong, so we cannot be lazy. We must review in greater depth the lessons and sermons we hear to be sure about what we are being taught.
Are you willing to take personal responsibility for knowing what the Bible says?
Psalm 19:1–11
The Psalmist is celebrating the goodness of God’s word.
What language is the Psalmist using to describe God’s word?
What does he mean when he says it is better than honey and pure gold?
What is the ultimate warning/promise?
Isaiah 66:1-2
Our attitude should be one of humility, reverence, and awe for God’s word. Are you willing to live by the Bible, taking God at his word in your relationship with him? Are you willing to trust God’s word above your own feelings, religious traditions or religious leaders? Will you seek to understand God’s will and ways through his inspired word?
How does this fit into God’s plan?
Will you live by the Scripture? Your feelings, traditions, needs, etc. may have some validity but they cannot supersede what the Bible says.
Start the habit of reading the Bible and praying daily.
What would prevent you from reading the Bible on a regular basis?
Additional Helpful Scriptures:
Psalm 119:60
Matthew 13:1-23
John 12:47-48
1 Thessalonians 2:13
James 1:22-25
2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Peter 3:15-16